Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Modeling the World

For a piece of information to be related to it needs three essential components: the sign to portray the image, the thing that it is portraying, and agents or people to relate to the information. If one of these things is missing, then there will be a distortion in the information that is trying to be conveyed. The main thing that I took away from this is that information tries to make a relation in nature. This relation can link people to the thing that is being displayed to have information understood. Other ways that people relate information is by using models. Models are very useful tools in the scientific process.

Friday, January 26, 2007

The Nature of Information

The nature of information comes in two componenets. It is definitely true that without one of these two components then this will lead to no information. The two components which are firstly information channels our image of reality. Secondly, information is then carried out to be observed by someone or something.

Possessing these two factors will ultimately lead to information.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Library of Babel

I don't really know what to say about the Library of Babel. The story was very in depth and the elements present in the story were very incomprehensible. What I took away from the story was somewhat of a pessimistic view on human existence. The author seemed to claim that even though human life will die out, the library will always remain because it exists into infinity and never has an end. The Library of Babel is like the universe considering the fact that it is an immensely large place where everything is encompassed inside of it. http://infoport.blogspot.com/2007/01/daft-punk-around-world.html#comments